
The services I provide…
Are you looking to establish a strong brand presence, connect with diverse audiences, and drive meaningful engagement? Look no further! I offer a comprehensive suite of independent contractor services tailored to meet your content strategy needs.
Brand Voice

Developing a distinct and resonant brand voice is pivotal in today’s competitive landscape. It’s more than just words; it’s the personality that sets you apart. I collaborate closely to understand your values and audience, developing a voice that authentically resonates. Let’s craft a voice that speaks volumes and drives meaningful engagement.

Audiences and Personas

Crafting compelling content requires understanding your audience. I delve deep into demographics and psychographics, creating detailed personas that capture preferences, behaviors, and pain points. Each persona ensures authentic resonance, forging meaningful connections and driving engagement. Whether millennials seeking sustainability or professionals craving innovation, your content will speak directly to their hearts and minds.

Content Development and Distribution Strategies

Fashioning bespoke content strategies aligned with your business goals, I conceptualize dynamic approaches that flex with market shifts. Tailored to your brand and audience, my strategies maximize impact and scalability across platforms. From concept to execution, I aim to empower your brand with resonant content, propelling your business forward in today’s dynamic digital landscape.

Content Strategy & Business Goal Alignment

I customize your content strategy to ladder up directly to overarching business objectives, ensuring every piece contributes to tangible results. This strategic alignment maximizes the impact of your content efforts, driving meaningful outcomes for your business.

Content Strategy Refresh

Revitalize your content strategy with data-driven insights. Through analysis of analytics, I adapt your strategy to ensure it’s always aligned with your goals. Constant refinement and optimization guarantee maximum effectiveness, keeping your content strategy ahead of the curve and driving meaningful results.

Content Calendars, Workflows & Processes

I specialize in establishing efficient workflows and processes to streamline content creation and distribution. From ideation to publication, I’ll design a customized system that keeps your content engine running smoothly. Expect increased productivity, improved collaboration, and timely delivery of high-quality content. Let’s build a content calendar, implement seamless workflows, and ensure consistent output across all channels for better results.

Content Style Guides

Building detailed content style guides tailored to your brand’s voice, tone, and aesthetic ensures consistency and coherence across all content assets, from blog posts to social media updates. I’ll create a roadmap for your content creators, delineating rules for language, formatting, imagery, and more to ensure that your brand maintains a cohesive identity and resonates with your audience across every touchpoint.

Inclusive Content

Crafting content that embraces diversity and inclusivity is paramount. I ensure that your messaging resonates with audiences from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. By reflecting the rich tapestry of human experience, your content becomes a platform for connection and understanding, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

Organic Content Ideation

Having a reservoir of innovative and captivating content topic ideas that resonate deeply with your audience is crucial to establishing a strong online presence. This sparks genuine engagement and fosters lasting connections. From thought-provoking concepts to trending themes, I ensure your content stands out in the digital landscape, driving meaningful interactions and enhancing brand visibility.

Metrics-based Content Ideation

Leverage the insights gleaned from analytics to uncover fresh content opportunities. By diving deep into data, I pinpoint trends, audience preferences, and gaps, guiding the ideation process toward topics that resonate and engage. Let’s transform insights into action!

Creative Storytelling Approaches

Discover captivating storytelling approaches—narrative arcs, striking photography, evocative illustrations, dynamic animations, compelling videos, immersive audio experiences, and engaging multimedia formats. I’ll craft content that differentiates you from competitors and deeply resonates with your audience, ensuring a lasting impression that transcends the ordinary.

Assigning Editor

Serving as your trusted assigning editor, I oversee the content selection and planning process with meticulous attention to detail. From curating content ideas to assigning tasks and managing deadlines, I ensure each piece serves its intended purpose and aligns with your overall content strategy. My goal is to streamline the editorial workflow and deliver high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Structural Editor/Top Editor & Line Editor

Specializing in structural editing, top editing, and line editing, I carefully refine your content’s organization, coherence, and style. From restructuring paragraphs for clarity to fine-tuning sentence flow, I enhance readability and impact. With a keen eye for detail, I ensure your message resonates effectively with your audience, elevating your content to its fullest potential.


Unlock the power of SEO with expert implementation of best practices, seamlessly integrated to elevate your content’s visibility and attract organic traffic. Through strategic optimization, your content can rise in search engine rankings, ensuring it reaches the right audience at the right time. Harnessing the principles of organic SEO, I’ll tailor your approach to resonate authentically with your audience, fostering long-term engagement and sustainable growth.

AI Writing

Harnessing state-of-the-art tools such as ChatGPT, I’ll enrich your content creation processes, infusing them with innovation and ingenuity. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, I empower businesses to amplify their creativity and produce compelling, high-quality content that captivates audiences and drives engagement.
Project Leadership

Leading projects from inception to completion, orchestrating every stage with precision and expertise. I methodically plan and execute each step, ensuring seamless coordination and timely delivery. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, I navigate complexities with ease, ensuring your project achieves its objectives efficiently and effectively.

Site Launch/Relaunch Content Direction

Plotting a comprehensive content roadmap and overseeing the entire content creation lifecycle is key to a successful website launch or relaunch. From conceptualizing engaging website copy to coordinating multimedia assets, I’ll ensure every element aligns with your brand voice and resonates with your target audience. Let’s collaborate to make your website launch a memorable success!

Information Architecture/Taxonomies

Constructing intuitive information architecture and taxonomies is pivotal for seamless content navigation and discovery, optimizing user experience and fostering engagement. By organizing your content systematically, users can effortlessly find what they’re seeking, leading to enhanced satisfaction and interaction with your platform.
Drawing from a robust background in both digital and print journalism, I bring versatile expertise to various writing and editing endeavors. From crafting engaging articles and blog posts to refining functional website content, impactful presentations, press releases and more, I handle diverse formats with finesse. Additionally, I orchestrate the creation of multimedia content like infographics and videos, ensuring comprehensive communication strategies across platforms.
Creating Order Out of Chaos

By implementing strategic organization and meticulous structuring, I transform fragmented elements into a cohesive system. This not only enhances efficiency but also ensures alignment with your overarching goals. From simplifying workflows to enhancing information accessibility, I specialize in bringing order to the chaos, enabling your content strategy to flourish amidst complexity.

My rates…
Rates may be project-based or hourly, depending on the nature and scope of the work. Contact me for a customized quote tailored to your specific needs and budget.